Propagating String of Pearls

I enjoy shopping for plants in person much more than online. Don’t get me wrong, I still buy quite a few plants online, but the experience is so much more enjoyable if I walk down to my local plant shop and spend an hour or so there.

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De-stressing with Plants

While I love spring break, I hate the week before. It is probably one of the most stressful parts of the school year. Exams, and papers, and assignment are all smushed together. When I get stressed, I like to spend time with plants, usually my own, but sometimes the plants at the local florist, or the green house.

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No-Waste Kitchen Gardening

Buying plants can be expensive, so in an effort to learn how to grow plants from kitchen scraps, and reduce how many plants I buy, I read the book No-Waste Kitchen Gardening by Katie Elzier-Peters. This book is a little different from most plant books that I read, as the main audience is not house plant enthusiasts, and I am excited to share my thoughts on it with all of you.

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Inexpensive Hydroponics Experiment: Episode 1

Hydroponics have fascinated me for a while. I am especially attracted to the idea of growing herbs faster, while getting a greater yield. However, I am a student, limiting the amount of money and space I am able to devote to a hydroponics system. So, I decided to try to DIY a student friendly hydroponics system, and share the process. Without further ado, here is the first episode in my series Inexpensive Hydroponics Experiment.

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Starbucks Planters

My favorite way to display plants is in clear containers. Not only do I get to watch the leaves grow, but I also get to watch the roots tangle in and out of each other as they proliferate. I also like to use containers that are recycled, and inexpensive, and Starbucks’ plastic cups combine both of these functionalities perfectly.

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Houseplants for Beginners

Houseplants are amazing. They add beauty to your home, give one a sense of accomplishment, and can even provide health benefits. Nonetheless, having your first few house plants die can be disheartening, no matter how dedicated you are to becoming a house plant enthusiast. However, there are a few plants that seem to be able to survive over watering, under watering, not enough light, and anything else that is thrown their way. Here is my list of beginner plants, perfect for the first step on your journey to becoming a plant person.

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The Complete Houseplant Survival Manual

You know a book is good when you read it more than once. For the last few nights, The Complete Houseplant Survival Manual by Barbara Pleasant has been my bedside companion. Flipping through the pages, and stopping to read whenever I come up on a plant that I own, or want, I have went through the book at least three times. (In addition to doing a through reading of the book during the day). The Complete Houseplant Survival Manual is an asset to the bookshelf of every house plant enthusiast, and I am excited to share my thoughts on it!

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