Sansevieria Cylindrica Care

This plant certainly has an eye catching silhouette. Its small size and upright growth make it great for people who are not as into the floppy, leaves all over the place look. It is modern art, and a plant, all in one. Here are some tips for keeping you Sansevieria Cylindrica looking sharp.

I think of Sansevieria Cylindrica as the more refined cousin of the well known Snake plant, or Sansevieria trifasciata. There are several different types of Sansevieria Cylindrica, and to the best of my knowledge, mine is Sansevieria Cylindrica “Rocket”. Despite its high end look, Sansevieria Cylindrica is one of the easiest plants to care for.

Light: This plant has been doing well in an east facing window for me. The shelf is a little set back in the wall, so it receives pretty indirect light. This has not stopped it from putting out new growth. Ideally, I would have the plant directly in the light of the window, as you can see that the pup is definitely leaning, but this guy hasn’t been complaining much about its spot.

Water: I wait until the soil is dry all the way through and then add enough water that it runs through the bottom. And thats it! This routine means that my plant is rarely watered, making it easy to care for. When I got this plant, the tip was already a little damaged. I think that watering it once the soil drys out, and not leaving it in a completely dry pot for too long, can help prevent this. Even if you do, the tip of your plant may suffer a little, but Sansevieria Cylindrica is a succulent and will make it through.

Growth: The baby on the right is about 5 months old, to give you an idea of the rate of growth on these guys. The main plant, on the other hand, has not gotten any taller in this time.

Extra Extra, read all about it : In my experience, these plant have smaller roots, so I would recommend sticking with a smaller pot, to avoid root rot. The soil this plant is in does not retain much water, so it does not stay soggy after watering. I think this is important to keeping these plants happy.

Hope this help you take care of your Sansevieria! Make sure to like, comment, and follow for more!

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