Starbucks Planters

My favorite way to display plants is in clear containers. Not only do I get to watch the leaves grow, but I also get to watch the roots tangle in and out of each other as they proliferate. I also like to use containers that are recycled, and inexpensive, and Starbucks’ plastic cups combine both of these functionalities perfectly.

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Collecting Starbucks Coffee Grounds

Coffee Grounds!

I have been composting for a year and a half years now, and the microbes in my bins have been eating well. They enjoy spoiled salads, oranges with blue mold, and potatoes that were once lost in the back of the pantry. However, they have not had the chance to try coffee grounds. No one in my house is a coffee drinker, but I wanted to provide my plants with the benefits of this common waste product. Here is how I used the Starbuck’s Grounds for Your Garden program to give my microbes all the coffee grounds they could ever ask for.

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