Inexpensive Hydroponics Experiment: Episode 1

Hydroponics have fascinated me for a while. I am especially attracted to the idea of growing herbs faster, while getting a greater yield. However, I am a student, limiting the amount of money and space I am able to devote to a hydroponics system. So, I decided to try to DIY a student friendly hydroponics system, and share the process. Without further ado, here is the first episode in my series Inexpensive Hydroponics Experiment.

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Starbucks Planters

My favorite way to display plants is in clear containers. Not only do I get to watch the leaves grow, but I also get to watch the roots tangle in and out of each other as they proliferate. I also like to use containers that are recycled, and inexpensive, and Starbucks’ plastic cups combine both of these functionalities perfectly.

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